How This Doctor Earns 2000% ROI Passive Income With Online Courses (Full Interview)

interview Jun 18, 2021

Meet Dr M: He joined the Digital Doctor™ program back when he had a private practice that is doing well, helping children with progressive myopia. He loved the...

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What Can I Teach? (Finding Your Course Idea)

shorts Apr 20, 2021

Most people think they need a brilliant idea before they get started on building a passive income. That is incorrect. Ideas don't happen by fluke or accident or waiting for an...

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How This Doctor Made $30,000 In 30 Days By Helping Kids Regain Vision

interview Apr 18, 2021


Meet Dr M: He joined the Digital Doctor™ program back when he had a private practice that is doing well. He loved the patients... but no matter how hard he...
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Hospital Slavery In Simple Math

shorts Apr 14, 2021

Hospital Slavery In Simple Math

Medicine is NOT what it used to be. We’ve become cogs in the MACHINE...

A “machine” is a career that requires your TIME to...

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Burnout To Freedom In 5 Weeks: Digital Doctorā„¢ Reviews

interview Apr 14, 2021

Meet Dr T: Dr T is the Director of the Dry Eye Center and looking to cut back on clinical hours.

PROBLEM - Dr T wasted a lot of time following the wrong advice on building...

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Focus On The Long Term (Marshmallow Experiment)

shorts Apr 14, 2021

The Marshmallow Experiment

In the 1960’s Stanford University conducted a series of experiments.

A child was offered a choice between one marshmallow provided immediately...

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(Case Study) Examples Of Successful Online Courses

shorts Apr 03, 2021

In this video, we cover examples of successful online courses in the medical industry.

Doctors, nurses, pharmacists, medical students. Our system works for anyone in the...

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Our 4 Step System To Help Doctors Start Online Courses

program Apr 02, 2021

This is a quick overview of what's included in the "Digital Doctor" program with Dr Chester Zoda. We help doctors start a wildly-profitable online course business...

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Freedom Fastlaneā„¢: Passive Income For Doctors, Nurses, and Medical Professionals

masterclass Apr 01, 2021

Loved by 100+ doctors, nurses, and medical professionals internationally with glowing 5-star reviews (), the #1 passive income system will help you discover what you want most...

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(Behind The Scenes) Weekly Coaching Call for Advanced

program Feb 15, 2021

In this video we go behind-the-scenes to look at our Weekly Q&A Calls with Dr Zoda where we cover Secrets to a Great Webinar, Email Marketing, and Automating Your Online...

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