Why "Thinking About It" Keeps You Unhappy

interview Jun 20, 2021

Decision is the ultimate power we all possess. A decision made from fear is always the wrong decision. At any moment the decision you make can change the course of your life forever. And with every decision we make (good or bad), our lives are defined just a little more, because decisions ultimately shape our destiny.

In this video, we uncover:

1. Dr Mai's story of overcoming his fear and uncertainty and generating massive returns on investment from simply "taking action"

2. The common limiting beliefs that hold most physicians and healthcare providers from the life of financial freedom -- no idea, no time, no money, doubt, fear, and uncertainty holding us back from taking action on the freedom that we deserve.

3. The power of decision: How your destiny is shaped by the decisions that you make at every moment in time, and how to make better decisions by balancing the benefit and risk.

If you want to start generating passive income with the expertise you already have: book your free call to speak with my specialist team. In this call, we'll show you how our 4 step system works, what's included, and how it can help you automate your expertise, so you can free yourself from your time, location, and finances.


...We've helped over 100+ hospital slaves transition to Digital Doctors™. With our track record, we can show you how busy doctors are making passive income by selling their expertise online. 


really just the power of decisions and uh most of the people watching this they they might be already inside our community uh which we know uh quite fondly and or they might be thinking of joining our community right but they haven't made that decision yet maybe they are thinking no time no idea no finances maybe it's something they've been thinking of doing for like four years five years uh i literally just got off of a call with someone that's been thinking of doing this for four to five years but they've just been procrastinating procrastinating some people might not think it's even possible like um for whatever reason and they just haven't made that decision yet and i'm a big believer that it is in these moments of decision that your destiny is shaped like the life that you're living it's it's not blue core accident it's based on the sum total of the decisions that you made in the past and whether that's your financial future your family your freedom um your time uh i'd love us i'd love for us to unwind the clock back to when this all started right when this all started you didn't know me i didn't know you when we were first having that call together right and uh after you know seeing that you were qualified for our program you were presented with one of those decisions that can potentially change your life and um imagine if we were on that call first call together um walk the viewer through what was going through your mind at the time yeah i think similar to everyone else i wasn't sure if i would put in the time to make it work that's one two i wasn't sure if um i'd be able to do it i guess to put to put it simply i was afraid that um i would try and fail and uh and that that that alone was a little bit uh unnerving i didn't want to commit to something to spend money on something that was going to be a complete waste of my time and uh but i decided to make a plunge anyways because i thought um you know since since i saw other people succeeding with this program and and and since i it is the message made sense it made sense that why can't i help more people uh you know by by teaching and which i naturally love doing myself and so um for me i made that jump because i'm someone that loves to just dive in and make it happen and uh and it's okay making mistakes you learn from your failures too so i knew that even the worst case scenario was this was the scenario that i would try and fail but i would learn something maybe something that i'll never forget for the rest of my life and that by itself i knew that that wouldn't be that big of a it would that's not that bad of worse case scenario but what's the best case scenario the best case scenario is that i could be you know have complete help so many more people i could also you know along with having more people because when you help people it is exchange of value and there's nothing wrong with making money um and so what if i could also make money helping more people and uh you know honestly be financially free and uh but but also helping more people mainly then that to me was that the possibility of that high upside and that just that small possibility of the downside in comparison to the upside to me was worthwhile and uh so i i jumped in and i and i'm really happy if i would go back knowing what i know now i would have really regretted saying no because then all this would never have happened and then there'll be less people that i'm helping and also even for my own family's sake even for you know a personal situation or a financial situation like that would also be much different and so um i'm happy i made the bunch yeah and uh yeah it's funny you mentioned that um because it's really in these moments that your destiny is shaped right uh like it's a decision fork it's either a yes or no there's no brain gray zone think i'll think about it i'll i'll you know i'll do this this and that i'll think about it i'll wait for a bit it's really just a yes or no it's really just that simple and what i've noticed is that a lot of people

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