Why A Supportive Partner Is Important To Physician Success

interview Jun 20, 2021

Our relationships with others either fuel the fire of our success or drain us of the will to achieve more. When you surround yourself with supportive friends and family, success is inevitable.

This video covers why a supportive partner is important to physician success, and building a life of financial freedom and abundance. Because the best relationships are the ones that empower each other and bring the best out of each other.

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yeah so the question i wanted to ask you is uh what does you know seeing the results that you've been able to achieve seeing you go through the program now what does your wife actually think about all of this she thinks it's really fun she's actually really excited to see where this goes and i'm just getting started and so um she's excited she actually has helped me make some of my she does marketing and so she helps me with some of my um my graphics and uh made my stream of course a little bit better in terms of the content of it and so yeah she's really happy that i'm doing it and she sees that i you know it's a passion portrait of mine um um once the babies are in bed and uh you know everything's quiet at nighttime instead of just watching netflix i'm working on this course instead and uh you know it's because you know i i don't know anyone watching this you say you're busy but you always find like two hours a day to watch netflix so all you have to do or youtube videos or whatever right you just replace that time with this and you'll make a bigger difference for yourself but more importantly you'll make a difference for others and that's something that you need to really consider get out of your comfort zone you know don't just uh you know cut back a little bit on that social media and you'll have you'll have all the time in the world to do this yeah i love that i love that yeah i've seen that to be a common pattern inside our community where people might join by themselves and then uh they would also bring a partner along and it becomes like a almost like a collaborative project that they have together like a side project um and it's it's really quite awesome uh see seeing um how your wife you know is uh an instrument of auto building up this process with you um so i'm really happy to hear that yeah she's happy exactly

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